Pollution in The Tusket?   
This web site started 15 Apr 2009 at the request of Mr.John Halley Horton BSc(Agr)
It is edited and commented on by Godfrey LeBlanc BSc,Ed.
Your comments, solutions are welcome.  Email webmaster@yarmouth.org  (Subject line: Mink  ).

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful , committed people can change the world. - Margaret Mead"

Return to Home Page 2013


Mink farming: Dutch place ethics over economics

From: Debbie Boudreau   Fri, Nov 2, 2012  Fur Industry Act
Here are changes to the act, the regulations will be presented to cabinet once these changes are approved.

The amendments were introduced yesterday through first reading of Bill 111 (An Act to Amend Chapter 4 for the Acts of 2010, the Fur Industry Act). You can find the bill here:

You can track the bill’s progress here:

You can find the current (ie, not yet amended) Fur Industry Act here:

As regulations are approved, they are posted on the Registry of Regulations website. So the regulations under the Fur Industry Act will eventually be posted under Agriculture here:

Subject: Little lake Doucet mink pollution

Video taken 12 August 2012: Little Lake Doucette, Municipality of Clare, Digby County.
Video starts at the lake and follows a trail of run off to a mink farm.
Residents on the lake have placed a formal complaint with NSE / DOA and action to ? remediate the problem seems to have started they say.
Google Maps:

Liver toxins prevalent in western cottage country’s lakes, cross-Canada study finds. Published Tuesday, Aug. 14 2012,

Action must be taken to keep these toxins out of water system in South West Nova.

Wed, 22 Aug 2012
Hi Debbie;
Word on the street says that Environment Staff visited the mink farm on Friday past (Little Lake Doucette) and recommended shutting the farm down, but, guess who denied this suggestion, correct the powers that be in Halifax. Also, word has it that on Saturday night and Sunday morning they were busily trucking the manure from the farm, along the Hectanooga road heading in the direction of Salmon River. And where was this product destined for?, God only knows.
Traveler's were treated, as I am lead to believe, to the delightful smell of mink dung that had leaked from the truck. Vehicles were said to have attracted some of this manure leaving their vehicle with a somewhat foul smell. Go figure!  Paul's IPAD


And where was this product destined for?

It may have gone in this storage area
2-3 km east of Spectacle Lake.  


2012/lake-fanning/Lake-Fanning-29-June-2012-12s.jpg 2012/lake-fanning/3-July-2012-Lake-Fanning-3sa.jpg


Lake-Fanning/3-July-2012 Lake-Fanning/3-July-2012

Feed Kitchen in Havelock
salmon hatchery
 Sloans Lake mink farm 340 Feed Kitchen
in Havelock,
Million-salmon hatchery
on Hourglass Lake
alongside hwy 340.
fur farm
wentworth river

From: John Horton
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2012
Hillsdale Fur Farm
the largest
from the eastern side .
Typical cyanobacteria
plume on
Wentworth RIver

Mink Farm Profits Before Clean Water
 Aquaculture at Any Cost

John Halley Horton
Forest Glen                  

Since winning a provincial government majority in the last election, Darrell Dexter wasted no time putting the wheels in motion on an elaborate and unprecedented  NDP plan to spend a very large amount of taxpayer money promoting the Fur Farming and Fish Farming Industries.    

Who actually would have voted for a majority NDP government if they had known what this bunch of birds  were about to do?

Dexter’ actions soon revealed his intentions. And his politicians spouted the rhetoric of ' jobs, jobs, jobs' as if it wouldn't be possible to have those jobs if the government insisted that they  clean up their mess.

The tories and the liberals joined in on the NDP program as if there had never been an Opposition, and the Green Party had little to offer.

Naive people like myself from  western Nova Scotia were sure that  departmental  biologists and environmentalists would simply make a quick trip to this end of the province, take a look at the green slime growing in floating 'rafts' along our waterways , and immediately shut down the polluters.

As a group, we asked Minister of Agriculture John McDonell for a moratorium on any mink farm expansion until scientific studies had been done to explain what was going on.
He told us in no uncertain terms that  our water was perfectly OK and that regardless of our stories,pictures  and proof many new mink farms were coming to the area soon .
They treated us like MUSHROOMS, so we had to waste months of hard 'digging' and valuable time doing the Department of Environment's work............ the information , one piece at a time, that they had been hiding from us.

But our group contained environmentalists, an agriculturalist, a medical  Doctor, a geologist ,woodsmen, and a   number of science-oriented professionals ... and the truth came out.

My hat is off to that original group of concerned citizens who pooled their resources , did the hard work and  dug out the facts.   Thousands of dollars were donated by one concerned couple for  legal help producing Freedom of Information (FOIPOP) documents that turned the tide on the 'information wall'.

We were up against a very clever conspiracy to pull off a cleverly managed secret coup that had been in planning stages before Dexter's NDP finally provided a majority government that could ram it through the legislature.

Political moves had already been made that would help them maintain secrecy and control of various political interests. Fisherman Sterling Belliveau was chosen for the Environment portfolio, and he now holds three provincial Ministerial titles with Energy and Fisheries and Aquaculture.

The legislation they would use was said to be incomplete, but our whistleblower  showed us that work on the act had begun under another government in 2006...the Minority Conservative Government under which Argyle MLA Chris d"Entrement had served as Minister of Agriculture.

The Fur Farm Act
We didn't see it coming, but woke up one morning to an announcement that in a timeframe of six days, a brand  new Department of Agriculture Fur Farm Act had been quietly passed through the legislature .

It became obvious that day that the mink farm lobby was prepared, organized, financed ,  and armed with a serious bank of lawyers. It became obvious that these birds had already been planning  one of the most smoothly operated government/industry scams Nova Scotia's environment has ever been exposed to.

Instead of helpfully offering information to the public ,we got jerked around in what amounted to MAXIMUM ADMINISTRATIVE DELAY. There is a lot of anecdotal  evidence to prove that our government was scamming us...  concealing, denying, and manipulating .... Instead of helping to stop illegal pollution , these birds were actually defying 90% of  their voters and working for the mink farm and fish farm speculators.
Mink farmers. vested interests , and party faithful  knew in advance what was coming, and shared their insider information  with party  friends .

Two undisputable consecutive departmental scientific studies  concluded that the most probable cause of the excessive nutrient buildup in the Tusket River was mink farms, yet they did not release that info until public outcry forced them to.
Many thanks to conscientious civil servants  who supplied valuable information ,sources, names ,  sources of scientific data..... the pertinent information we needed.....to get through the" information wall'.

Now that an election looms in 2013 , the FUR FARM ACT is a crucial key to NDP success. If the public finds it to be credible it will no doubt help their soiled reputation. If not, we can expect more slippery deals to keep the truth out of sight from the public.
No date has been set for public release as yet, and we can expect that it will become public only whenever it best suits the NDP Election Schedule.

The public is still being silently kept in the dark and told nothing......like mushrooms!
The politicians and political hacks of all stripes knew  , the Nova Scotia Mink Breeders Association knew ,connected  business investors knew , municipal politicians knew, even opposition politicians knew but the general voting public was being kept in the dark , and a lot of money was about to come down the pipe.

Many connected locals had lined up at the trough for contracts, deals, subsidies, and a chance to get at those free and easy political dollars. So it was no surprise when people like Yarmouth's mayor Phil Mooney, an active liberal party member,  were out actively stumping public support for the mink farm plan long before it was announced to the public.
Few taxpayers knew that  the wheels had been rolling for some time on two ongoing "projects" that had been started and maintained by less powerful preceeding governments under the Liberals and Conservatives.

Clever politicians were already quietly at work laying the groundwork and "manufacturing consent " among those who had never smelled a working mink farm or gone swimming in the nasty green water downstream. In 2009, few had any idea  or would have believed that water pollution could be so bad that it could cause devastation 40 miles downstream.
It was  the beginning of a serious downturn in the economy, and Dexter's government was selling the idea that these two under-developed industries would be good for everybody. At the same time Steven Harper was itching to give away billions of federal stimulus dollars to politically promising money-making ventures..

Who cared anyway? Only the people who knew.
Nova Scotians didn't get to see it coming, because the movement was carefully concealed behind a   wall of secrecy.

Mink Farms business was categorized 'secret' and protected from scrutiny as 'vulnerable to eco- terrorist attacks' , and in the case of fish farms we were told that private business operations like Cooke Aquaculture had to be protected from public scrutiny as a matter of business ethics.

Civil servannts were warned not to deal with but to send all correspondence on pollution matters through the Department of Agriculture, where it was "handled" by designated personnel so as to avoid information leaks or errors. Emails were prioritized the same way .
Professionally written press releases were distributed to editors of local newspapers and unashamedly accepted and published under the names of local authors and editors.

It was  the beginning of a serious downturn in the economy, and Dexter's government was selling the idea that these two under-developed industries had to be promoted to perk up our economy .What was surprising is that through  heavy promotion and simple outright manipulation of the truth they were able to drown out the public outcry from those few who actually knew what was going on.

Equally surprising was the lack of Opposition response ;both the tories and liberals  supported Mr Dexter's program  ..they all wanted their share of the  huge political pork pie and the  huge pool of borrowed  public dollars that was being distributed amongst friends in  an industry that just happens to be extremely profitable at this time in the world marketplace.

Mink farming is messy as hell, and industry efforts to keep this information out of the public eye have been quite succesful.  Mind you, the industry gets a lot of help at taxpayer expense. Ask your MLA how much, and be sure to request your answer in writing.
That's where your query will come up against a formidable government  information wall. A lot of my colleagues can tell you about games of deception from those with something to lose.

I make no bones about it. They deceive, they hide the truth, they delay, they avoid, they obstruct, and if they need to they will tell you boldface lies. 

So who is "they"?
Out of curiosity I googled the following MLAs :  Barrington's Environment Minister Sterling Belliveau,  Argyle's former Minister of Agriculture Chris d'Entrement , Yarmouth's Zach Churchill, Clare's Wayne Gaudet,  Digby's Harold Theriault, Federal MP Greg Kerr (West Nova)and Gerald Keddy (South Shore).

You can check it out for yourself......and I think you will agree that Mr Dexter has the full support of the Legislature, regardless of  which party. All of these dudes have been complicit through their silence, but MP Greg Kerr stands out in the crowd with his attitude about those  seeking  a moratorium on new mink farms until the whole industry can be openly debated in public . He has "no time for them".
Conservative MLA Chris d'Entrement was Minister of Agriculture in charge of operations during the previous minority government but has never publicly taken issue with mink farms. His silence is disappointing because he could have been a real asset to his constituents .

Liberal MLA Wayne Gaudet has not spoken publicly about mink farms, to my knowledge. Yet his Clare municipality has been the biggest beneficiary of government 'assistance', the largest beneficiary of cash flow in the fur farm industry,they are  also the biggest polluter.
MLA Harold Theriault Digby Municipality represents the second largest fur farm income in the province, but seems to have nothing public to say about mink farms.

Last spring he published the official government spring budget , without a comment. One might have expected this Opposition member to have noticed and commented about the drastic 50% cut to Department of Environment's budget .

Yarmouth's Zach Churchill has been there and seen some very filthy mink farm pollution .But he does not speak out about the injustice to the people miles down the Tusket river watershed who are watching scenes like in the attached photo -----right in their backyard.
He's a  party man, and he speaks the official  party line in public: "JOBS ,JOBS ,JOBS". No loud complaints  about mink farms causing  pollution for his constituents...This liberal is not making any big waves.

Sterling Belliveau had his DoE buget cut from 50 to 25 million , watched massive personnel layoffs and transfers degrading environmental services without comment.
Oh well, he happens to be Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture , as well as  Minister of Energy. That's not a conflict., is it ? No, that's no more of a conflict of interest than being Minister -in -charge of all Aquaculture Operations while your wife runs an aquaculture business.

Not one of these men has had anything more than token words for the public against the horrible pollution caused by  nearly all of Nova Scotia's 150 mink farms.

Not one of them has recommended agressive government action to clean up the industry.not one of them has admitted that Nova Scotians are being screwed out of their clean water.

And not one of them will stand up and acknowledge the public outrage.
"They " are all devoted to the idea that millions and millions get passed down the political ladder and spent on industry expansion .

Pollution? What pollution?
So if there is no effective government opposition , how do you stop an NDP freight train that would obviously  pollute their own grandmother to win an election. We tried , but we found ourselves outgunned by a well funded  government campaign which whitewashed   the industry and played serious hardball to get this program "down the pipe."*(google mink stink for a compilation of citizen complaints and examples of direct interference in the justice process ).

Hell, private citizens have presented a long list of industry violations that were reported, denied and ignored by all the government agencies .Example: If you ask the Department of Health to investigate and deal with existing   health and safety iaws( actual department of health legislation to prevent waterborne diseases) around filthy public watersheds or , you will be ignored and sent directly to the Department of Agriculture for 'help'.
It seems that under Dexter's regime, the Department of Health "doesn't do mink farms"...., even where they are openly polluting public infrastructure .
Cyanobacteria is now rampant in the Tusket and Meteghan rivers and to a lesser extent the Sissiboo. Every summer these waters turn green.

Unknown changes to Municipal bylaws .
 Nobody knew that a mink farmer can now apply for and receive permission to build a mink farm right in your community -in secret- without local taxpayers being aware until the construction begins.

Not exactly democracy !

We've got good stories to tell about people waking up to the sound of excavators next door, being told that it was too late to complain and being told that there would be no opportunity to express concerns about odors or any of the usual 'benefits' of having a mink farm upwind from your house.

There are presently 5 Mink Farms in Annapolis County, but the good folks of Tupperville can tell you all about what is coming 'down the pipe" in their municipality; 20 new large mink farms have been approved and are now 'unstoppable' , and double that amount have applications pending . Even those 40 "applications pending" are likely to be rammed through all the red tape .

FISH FEEDLOTS seem to be unstoppable as well. It's an industry that brags about a 54% return on investment, without serious waste management or cleanup costs. Do Fish Farmers have any obligation to clean up after they leave an area?

Unlike most mink farms , however, Aquaculture operations are right there in public view and soon become a topic of conversation after their first outbreak of ISA.  Commercial Fishers in our Communities  have a lot to say ,are better informed  about  the subject, and get a lot more media attention ......but they are losing  their battle too.
So what's coming in the future? Stay tuned, because in the next year we will be treated to millions of dollar’s worth of election party propaganda painting these industries and our provincial NDP  a very rosy color.If they can't manufacture consent, they will probably buy it through expensive slick election-quality advertisements and glossy government publications .

But pollution won't be visible on the agenda for any of the parties.
Ask your MP and MLA  for straight detailed answers to these important  questions:

How many  federal and provincial  taxpayers' dollars have been spent or commited on "  assistance" to these two industries since the NDP took power? (capital grants, loans, 'forgiveable' loans, Department of Agriculture loans and "forgiveable loans." ),Federal  assistance like the recently -announced ACOA Bio-generator deal in Weaver Settlement  ), federal dollars(including Harper's 'stimulus money')  spent or commited to growing this industry?( Total monies for industry expansion)

How many federal and provincial taxpayer dollars have been spent  or commited  to dealing with pollution created by these two industries? (Total monies devoted to pollution mitigation)

 What now?
The powers-that -be don't want to let this scandal affect their "program"   and frankly they're having very little to say because of the controversial nature of these two industries. What we can expect is a carefully -worded list of 'achievements ', glossy full -color political advertisements touting great advances in technology and environmental advocacy , a lot of manufactured government  media hype and the usual  election rhetoric.


Believe me, the issue is a large can of worms that  the political planners will work diligently to  avoid.

Don't expect the truth from them.
For a very opposite view from the official Government "party line" , google "mink stink" .

Devoted to CLEAN WATER for all Nova Scotians:
John Halley Horton
Forest Glen
Your comments and criticisms will be appreciated at halleyhort@hotmail.com
Below are some relevant web resources

Aquaculture Dialogue series hosts Milewski and Salmon Wars film tonight

ISA salmon may be heading to market


Fishermen say famlies don;t matter to NDP

  http://www.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?DocId=5289906&L ...

  http://www.cbc.ca/video/swf/UberPlayer.swf?state=shareaudio&clipId=2255440266&width=512&height=126 "

" http://www.cbc.ca/video/swf/UberPlayer.swf?state=shareaudio&clipId=2255440266&width=512&height=126 "



Here are some photos taken this past weekend on some of the lakes in Yarmouth County. And still NO regulations.  Anyone want to go for a swim??

Debbie Boudreau
Tri County Watershed Protection Association.

Annapolis County considers restricting fur farms
- June 12
But the Nova Scotia Mink Breeders Association argues farms will benefit the area. "Annapolis County really is a good fit for the industry ...

Mink industry booms despite pollution concerns
thechronicleherald.ca/novascotia/105779-mink-industry-booms-desp... ago(June 11) – A mink scampers along the Halifax waterfront. Mink farms in southwest Nova Scotia are being blamed for water contamination in some area ..

Fur Operations in  Annapolis County
and the Impact on Residents, the Environment and the Municipality
Concerns from a Resident of Brooklyn Road
– The Beginning

OPEN LETTER: Ashamed of MP Greg Kerr | South Coast Today

2 days ago - This is a letter from Chantelle MacKinnon of Tupperville regarding a funding announcement by MP Greg Kerr for the growing mink farming industry in SouthWest ... (listed June 10th)

News for mink farmingTougher bylaws wanted for mink farms
ANNAPOLIS ROYAL — A resident's group looking for more restrictions for mink breeders in Annapolis County will present their case at a public meeting this ...
(listed June 10th)

Annapolis County puts hold on mink farms | The Chronicle Herald

16 May 2012 - There could be no new mink farms in Annapolis County, at least until the municipality has time to study the issue and draft new bylaws regulating them.(listed June 10th)



Mink farming industry gets $1.7 million from feds and province ...

1 day ago- Mink farming industry gets $1.7 million from feds and province. West Nova MP Greg Kerr was in Weymouth Friday to announce a that ACOA is providing over (listed June 10th)

YouTube - Mink - YouTube

10 May 2012 - The American Mink, has escaped or has been let loose from Mink farms throughout Ireland. It has become widespread throughout Ireland. These Minks are very ...(listed June 10th)

1. Results of the 2011 Water Quality Survey

2. An Assessment of the Sources and Magnitudes

--------------2012 ------------

April 3, 2010
Mink farms identified as polluter of Yarmouth, Digby lakes http://thechronicleherald.ca/novascotia/80496-mink-farms-identified-polluter-yarmouth-digby-lakes


Will this pollution expand and effect the fishing in the Bay of Fundy?

Here are two interviews recently done by CBC Information Morning
from Debbie Hall
– you can listen online if you want.
CBC Information Morning interview with DOA – Thursday April 5, 2012 New Rules for Mink Farms
CBC Information Morning interview with NSMBA (Dan Mullen, President) & Randy Cleveland – Wed April 4, 2012 – Research ch Links Minks to Water Pollution

Link to 2011 page
Canada Day mink factory pictures form John Horton... LINK

Picture taken by Allister d'Entremont over the northern end of Lake Vaughan today..June 22,2011.
Click on picture to see
The Vanguard -More Info
Pictures 2009-2010
Boat launch on Hamilton rd
west side Lake Vaughan
Cottage on Carleton River

Line where boat made it's way through algae in Lake Ogden

Pictures from 
Nowlans Lake 2009

Lake Fanning June,27 2010
More Pictures
Cyanobacteria by Debbie Hall
Lake_Fanning: Pickle Pond 2008
Mink Stink Song
Government Home > Agriculture > Contact Us > Staff Directory

Trophic Status
Low to High

Total phosphorus (µg.L-1 )














Historical Records of This Web Site:
This web site started 15 Apr 2009 at the request of Mr.John Horton
The records from then to now Nov 11 1010 are located HERE!
Pictures of polluted lakes can be found in this section.

Carleton Group Lawyer:  Lisa Mitchell B.A, LL.B, (Curriculum Vitae )

Cyanobacteria by Debbie Hall
Lake_Fanning: Pickle Pond 2008
Lake Fanning, 2009 Pickle Pond

Eutrophication syndromes
Eutrophication is a syndrome of ecosystem responses to human activities that fertilize water bodies with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), often leading to changes in animal and plant populations and degradation of water and habitat quality.

                            Scotia Flag (Identity Image)http://www.gov.ns.ca/news/ 
News Re
leases from 1998-Present


Mink: www.Zibabin.com

Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute
ACPF Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Protocol.pdf

Tusket River Environmental Protection Association   

July 5th Frozen Algae Samples
sent to Halifax,....More


Shredding of environmental
review process will cost Canadian

April 18,2012...
Subject: david suzuki on "streamlining environmental reviews."
Amongst all the political personalities and vested interests, Canadians have one environmental hero who tells it like it is.

Thank you David Suzuki.

From : John Horton
Biogas to Fuel the Future of Southwest Nova Scotia  ?
link from (Carlene MacDonald )

April 10, 2012 Digby firm plans to turn waste into fuel
Southwest Eco-Energy is getting a $500,000 loan from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency to build a 1,500-cubic-metre digested, said Barr. 

This new business in Weaver Settlement is "sexy", but will have no effect on water-soluble inorganic phosphates that have turned our rivers and lakes into sewer-receptacles loaded with mink farm waste and algae. Any form of cleanup is good. But the mink farmers are under no compulsion to use it, and will not spend much money on waste control, knowing that no law is being enforced to stop massive phosphate "overloading". It's an expensive taxpayer-funded toy that only serves the function of making our Department of Agriculture look like they care. Hell, they're not even trying.
(John Horton)

April 12/2012
Bio-generators burn off the methane that is released from the decomposition of organic matter. Burning it will help in a small way to reduce greenhouse gases. But the chemicals in the sludge, (phosphates) are still there and are now more concentrated. WHAT HAPPENS TO THIS WASTE.?

"One cow can produce enough manure in one day to generate three kilowatt hours of electricity; only 2.4 kilowatt hours of electricity are needed to power a single one hundred watt light bulb for one day. (S)"  If 1 cow = 200 mink (S) and this plant says it can provide facilities for 30,000 mink  (30,000/200) = 150 light bulbs that can be powered by this bio-gen plant.  My electric bill reads that I burn about 34 kwh/day.  Therefore about 10 homes could be powered by this plant at a minimum cost ( in this scenario) of $50,000 per home. 
If someone has different figures please send to (webmaster@yarmouth.org)

Though this facility is probably not economically viable, it is, as with windmills, in my initial opinion,  good in that it is green technology.  It will do little to solve the pollution problem in the area.   This must be known by the developers,  the Dept of Agriculture and the government. 
Does anyone know the actual # of mink in our area??

Hi all;
Very interesting, I was quite certain that it was only a matter of time before biofuels would become a product of farm waste. From what I see on the surface, it may be an option to having each fur farmer composting their waste on site. Given that we could convince Government to keep tight rains on their operations, it may be a reasonable solution to the mess we face today with the effect of fur farming. Should this become a viable way to compost waste, the fur farm regulations should be changed to ensure all waste is disposed of in this manner. I will educate myself more on this process so that I fully understand the impact on our environment.
Thanks for the info.


7. April 2-2012.1. Results of the 2011 Water Quality Survey of Ten Lakes Located in the Carleton River Watershed Area of Digby and Yarmouth Counties, Nova Scotia & 2. An Assessment of the Sources and Magnitudes of Nutrient Inputs Responsible for Degradation of Water Quality in Seven Lakes Located Within the Carleton River Watershed Area of Digby and Yarmouth Counties, Nova Scotia (Jan 2012) 
This report identifies mink farms as the major source effecting the water quality in the area. Overall this is an informative report. It suggests that the use of "Super-phosphates" as a possible reason and implies that if it's use is discontinued it may help alleviate the problem.  A possible solution to the problem, or a double-edged sword?  [Will the headlines in 1215 read " In an attempt to reduce pollution in South West Nova 15 % of the phosphates have been removed from mink feed]  and then  in 1220 will it read " In an attempt to reduce pollution in South West Nova an additional 10 % of the phosphates have been removed from mink feed] .. etc.     
" An adequate supply of inorganic feed phosphates in animal feed is essential for the optimal performance and well-being of animals. Therefore, feed phosphates are widely used in all types of feeds for all animal species." (source)  Can its use be discontinued?
In many parts of the ocean there are dead zones caused by agricultural runoff.  Can this happen in the Bay of Fundy? Red tides are caused by algal blooms. Certain types of algae in the ocean multiply at rapid rates, typically by excess nutrients found in the water.  Maybe this is not happening at the moment but with excessive nutrients and warming waters the potential is there.  It is very important that loop holes in regulations and procrastination in developing methods to deal with phosphate laden manure does not jeopardize one of the most productive fishing areas in the world.  Lakes and rivers are already dying.  The problem has been known for decades.  The solution does not need extensive study.  The problem has to be dealt with not buried in the ground or with political red tape in committee after committee.    

From: John Horton <halleyhort@hotmail.com>
To: john horton <halleyhort@hotmail.com>
Subject: An embarrassment for Dexter and nsmba...Water Quality Reports from
NSE / Acadia: February 2012

Subject: An embarrassment for Dexter and NSMBA...Water Quality Reports from NSE / Acadia: February 2012 (below))
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 04:45:13 -0700
A team of investigators from Acadia university have added valuable information about mink farm phosphorus overloads, their tests revealing
that most of it was found in the inorganic water-soluble form rather than the organic particulate form.
Translation: Mink farmers add superphosphate fertilizer to mink feed as a preservative... (something not mentioned in government or industry literature)

People of Western Nova Scotia: we are being screwed out of our heritage, our culture, our way of life, and our kids' future.Thousands of western Nova Scotians have lost their access to CLEAN WATER Resources under a blanket of
political protection and manipulation for a FILTHY INDUSTRY. Many residents have taken the time to voice their valid complaints,only to have them lost in an official campaign of denial from all the players.....elected officials, political hacks,
mayors, councillors , the NSMBA, various business interests all validating their quest for more profits , more subsidies.
We've lost our clean water to greedy vested interests, who all agree that it's OK to 'let a bit of nutrient slip by ' as long as it's not in their backyard.
If you are one of the angry Yarmouth county residents who watched the YMCA camp close down, the fish die off ,and the water turn green, you deserve to read Dr. Berlinsky's interpretation of water test results, along with color photos and data analysis.
Please pass this on to all interested parties... especially concerned residents of Digby and Shelburne .We deserve transparency, and we'll get it eventually.
Thank you to Dr. Mike Berlinsky and team.
1. Results of the 2011 Water Quality Survey of Ten Lakes Located in the Carleton River Watershed Area of Digby and Yarmouth Counties, Nova Scotia & 2. An Assessment of the Sources and Magnitudes
Dedicated to our CLEAN WATER
John Halley Horton
Forest Glen, NS

News Release:
Residents concerned about the effectiveness of revised fur industry regulations packed the Carleton Fire Hall on Thursday afternoon for a presentation by representatives from the Department of Agriculture.  More....

Published on March 1, 2012
In notes distributed by chair John Sollows after a meeting with Department of Agriculture officials on Feb. 23 regarding fur industry regulation revisions, he says participants feel scammed and that the lack of time to study the draft “smells of deception.

March 7th Chronicle Herald  

Environmental group criticizes mink farm rules as weak, vague

In the above article it states that "The regulations say 200 mink equal one livestock unit".  If you do a google search for "200 mink equal one livestock unit" you find it in one result, the above listed location of the Chronicle Herald.  

If we are referring to weight the statement might be close to correct, 200 five pound mink would equal the weight of a 1000 pound cow. But the equality comparison stops there.  For one thing herbivore manure is not the same as carnivore manure.  If we are dealing with the major cause of algae bloom, phosphorus, then the comparison very misleading and if you take into consideration the method of carcass disposal, there is ZERO similarity.  Beef cows can have 10x more phorhorous (P2O5) then dairy cows

phosphates lb/ton
Beef Cows
4-11- 100*
Dairy Cows


Source: *http://agrienvarchive.ca/bioenergy/facts.html#Composition

First public meeting of 2012 was held on Feb 22, at Carleton fire Hall.

It all happened very quickly. One day I got an email regarding the meeting. The evening before the meeting  I got a copy of the revisions to the act.  Next day, meeting held, "in-conveniently": Thursday 1:00 pm .  Comments must be compiled and returned by the weekend.  A few individuals left with the responsibility to protect the interests of thousands of people, and make recommendations that will effect South West Nova for generations to come. 

_Comment From John Werring of the David Suzuki Foundation."The latest draft presented to the public for review and comment is a complete wreck."
"Providing less than 24 hours notice before a public meeting that is deemed the final opportunity for public comment on any regulation is unconscionable, and especially so with a regulation that has been amended as much as this one has from the original draft." More....

1a. Letters from John Werring, Aquatic Habitat Specialist, of the David Suzuki Foundation. (Feb.24): More.... & (Feb.22) More....
Fur Farm Regulations.  on CJLS , March 11, THE WEEKENDER @ 9 AM. cjls.com/audio_vault.htm

2. Proposed and revised draft:  FurRegsRevisedFeb2012WorkingDraft.pdf
3. Carleton Fire Hall, Meeting Feb. 23/12
4. NSE Environment Act Review
5. Ministers of Agriculture and Environment, Linda, Vimy, Bonnie, Minh, and Brett  Final sent to Dept 2012/Feb23FurNotes2.htm
6. Copy of comments from ECE Law on the draft regulations. http://www.ecelaw.ca

Anne Marie LeBlanc, Executive Director Yarmouth and Area Chamber of Commerce, suggests the best solution to the manure problem is the establishment of a companion industry that will process the waste.




Manage Manure with a Reliable, Cost-Effective Building!
Manage Manure with a Reliable, Cost-Effective Building!

Department of Agriculture Staff Directory: By Branch

Resource Stewardship

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