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This picture was taking in lake parr in a south west cove before entering pete's lake taken back 07/11/2009.I do not know what it was and have been back in the same cove and do not see it.
Harold Hayward
In hyper-eutrophic ponds with abundant nutrients scums of filamentous green algae often become obvious near the water surface. These floating clouds of metaphyton originate on sediment, rock or macrophyte surfaces, from which they become disengaged and rise to the surface. Because of the high density of algal cells within the clouds of metaphyton, access to light and nutrients for many individuals may be poor, and the scums probably start to decompose soon after they appear. Constant replenishment from below, however, may result in the continued presence of metaphyton during much of the summer (Lembi, 1988).  (source)


For More information on Metaphyta
Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program