Problem: Mink Manure Problem
Pollution in The Tusket, Salmon,
Sissiboo and Annapolis Rivers?
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Asking your neighbor to clean up his yard does not mean you want him to leave.
When your neighbors mess is flowing into your yard this is a different story.

In an attempt to deal with a very serious mink waste accumulation problem, some interesting measures have been proposed .   What are the positive and the negative aspects? would like to compliment mink farmers on their efforts to reduce the negative impact of their industry. Not sure where the funding is coming from?  This impact is very problematic and any attempt to clean up the mess is welcome.  However the industry and several government departments have very poor PR record and trust issues. 

1. Bodigestors generate some power but the harmful nutrients in the manure are still there.  However  methane is about 20 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, this has significant negative environmental effects. Burning the methane in the manure gas is good.
2. Mink oil represents only a relatively small part of the mink carcass.

So far we have 3 companion industries.  This is a good start. 

1. BiodigestersMink-waste projects get ACOA loans  Another company, Southwest Eco-Energy Ltd. of Weaver Settlement, Digby County, is getting a $500,000 loan to develop an anaerobic digester to keep mink waste out of landfills while producing biofuel.  However what about the effluent?
Municipality approved to make electricity from mink manure.
The municipality plans to burn methane gas collected from an anaerobic digestor in Weaver Settlement.The municipality has just accepted a bid of $425,000 from Martin Machinery in Latham Missouri to supply the 300-kilowatt generator.  After the manure is put into the biodigester who is responsible for the still very toxic waste (effluent) that is still there.  {sludge treatmentIf this effluent were put directly into watercourses, it would negatively affect them by causing eutrophication. (S)

2. Mink oil production: 
The purpose of the proposed undertaking is to construct and operate a Mink Oil Production Plant at an existing mink composting facility at 2429 Patrice Road, Concession, Digby County commencing 2014 and operating between September and January each year thereafter

3. Pelleted mink manure:  For burning or for fertilizer. Sounds good but not as simple as implied.  Nd the ash that is let behind may now be a concentrated form of fertilizer.   Thermal Gasification of Manure PDF  | |

4.  The mink ranches are processing organic waste, from slaughter houses and fisheries, that would otherwise have to be sent to "land fills".  This is good for the slaughter houses but not for us.  Waste from many regions even out of country are being concentrated in our watershed areas.  The supply is not enough  so fishing fleets are hired to  supply the "mink machine". 

Mink Manure: Compost and the AD virus:

Municipality approved to make electricity from mink manure.
The municipality plans to burn methane gas collected from an anaerobic digestor in Weaver Settlement.The municipality has just accepted a bid of $425,000 from Martin Machinery in Latham Missouri to supply the 300-kilowatt generator.

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