Pollution in The Tusket?   
This web site started 15 Apr 2009 at the request of Mr.John Halley Horton BSc(Agr)
It is edited and commented on by Godfrey LeBlanc BSc,Ed.
Your comments, solutions are welcome.  Email webmaster@yarmouth.org  (Subject line: Mink  ).
--------------2011 ------------
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful , committed people can change the world. - Margaret Mead"

Please report any algae blooms you may see...Pictures and location are helpfull.

Groundwater contamination from a waste disposal site

Tri County Watershed Protection Association Letter regarding Fir Act
Nowlan Lake
Lake Vaughn

July 5th Frozen Algae Samples
sent to Halifax,....More

Seeking input of fur farm regulations Published on July 15, 2011
Province releases draft regulations for fur farm industry By Tina Comeau THE VANGUARD


Canada Day mink factory pictures form John Horton... LINK

What about using contaminated water for washing?

If there is a safe source of water available, don't use contaminated water for washing clothes or dishes. If no alternative supply is available, use rubber gloves to avoid direct contact with the water. Bathing or showering in contaminated water should be avoided, as skin contact with the algae can lead to skin irritation and rashes.
Microcystins can accumulate in fish tissues, especially in the liver, kidneys and other organs. Exercise caution when considering consumption of fish caught in a water body where major cyanobacteria blooms occur. (source)

2011 Getting Worse!
NOTE: Boiling the water or using
home water treatment devices will NOT destroy the toxins.
All fresh water ends
up in the ocean.
Picture taken by Allister d'Entremont over the northern end of Lake Vaughan today..june 22,2011.
Click on picture to see
The Vanguard -More Info
Pictures 2009-2010
Boat launch on Hamilton rd
west side Lake Vaughan
Cottage on Carleton River

Line where boat made it's way through algae in Lake Ogden

Pictures from 
Nowlans Lake 2009

Lake Fanning June,27 2010
More Pictures
Cyanobacteria by Debbie Hall
Lake_Fanning: Pickle Pond 2008
Mink Stink Song
Government Home > Agriculture > Contact Us > Staff Directory

Trophic Status
Low to High

Total phosphorus (µg.L-1 )














Historical Records of This Web Site:
This web site started 15 Apr 2009 at the request of Mr.John Horton
The records from then to now Nov 11 1010 are located HERE!
Pictures of polluted lakes can be found in this section.

Carleton Group Lawyer:  Lisa Mitchell B.A, LL.B, (Curriculum Vitae )

Cyanobacteria by Debbie Hall
Lake_Fanning: Pickle Pond 2008
Lake Fanning, 2009 Pickle Pond

Eutrophication syndromes
Eutrophication is a syndrome of ecosystem responses to human activities that fertilize water bodies with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), often leading to changes in animal and plant populations and degradation of water and habitat quality.

                            Scotia Flag (Identity Image)http://www.gov.ns.ca/news/ 
News Re
leases from 1998-Present


Mink: www.Zibabin.com

Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute
ACPF Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Protocol.pdf

Tusket River Environmental Protection Association


East side shore of Pickle Pond, Lake Fanning. 27 June 2011(Fact Sheet PDF)

YARMOUTH — Pond scum has been noticed creeping across the top of Yarmouth County’s Lake Vaughan. Other Yarmouth County lakes including Ogden and Fanning are also reported to be in bloom, said Debbie Boudreau of the Tri-County Watershed Protection Association.  More....

As the nutrient level in a water body increase it promotes algae growth which uses up the nutrients.  Therefore testing of water will show high levels or low levels depending on when the tests are made.
2008 15.0 Eutrophic/* 60
2009 3.8 Mesotrophic/*** 134
2010 13.0 Eutrophic/** 58
The results above may not show a change in nutrient levels as much as it dose a change in the time when tests were taken.

Atlantic Whitefish (Coregonus huntsmani)

From: Gilbert Chandler <gjcchand@yahoo.ca>
Date: Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 11:54 AM
Subject: acadian or white fish white cedar and lichen
One of the protected and rare species that is here and no where else in the world is the Acadian or Atlantic White fish. It is in the Annis river and Tusket river system. No other known place on earth.
Also the White Cedar, and a certain kind of rare Lichen lives in a protected area in the danger zone of this mink farm, the Black Water Brook system. The Annis river system is very close, a km maybe from the mink land. Why locate a mink farm here?
Why would we want to destroy or endanger this. Forever is a long time.
Please forward this to anyone you wish.

June 6, 2011 Vanguard news
Town exploring water concerns
The Town of Yarmouth is exploring what impact a reported new mink operation in Digby County could have on the town’s Lake George water supply.

Councillor Ken Langille, the chair of the town’s water utility, says the issue was brought to his attention by a Digby County resident who said the Municipality of Clare had granted a permit for the construction of a mink ranch. Langille said the location is “approximately six kilometres as the crow flies” from Lake George.  More.......

Wed, 01 Jun 2011
FYI   Is Yarmouth Town & Municipality next  in line for Lake George Water being polluted with  cyano bacteria  from a new mink farm?
Please read and  forward.
Alain Belliveau  works for MTRI and teaches at Dalhousie University.


I've caught wind of news that the construction of a new mink ranch is proposed for the Annis Lake area, which affects a large watershed in both Digby and Yarmouth counties. I've attached a map of the watershed, and also of the other three major watersheds currently affected by mink ranch operations according to very strong suggestions in a recent report published by the Nova Scotia Department of Environment and the Acadia Center for Estuarine Research. The report is also attached. 

It's nice to have jobs for folks, and it's nice to make a profit and bring in money to the region so we can all prosper, but it can be done better and it can be done right. This email is just a heads-up for community members that are affected by the health of these watersheds, in case you may want to be involved in getting this right. It is entirely possible to have "model" mink ranches that are beneficial to the environment, increase the region's food security (by using the composted carcasses and manure for food production), and keep the jobs and profit. For now at least, it seems as though we'll need a bit of a community push to reach this goal. 

If you have any concerns, contact municipalities, get to know the voices in your area and provide support of any kind. Read the attached report, look over the watershed maps, forward this message to folks you believe may also share your concerns. 

Take care, 


May 22-2011From: John Horton <halleyhort@hotmail.com>
The  Promise of Political Protection For Polluters

The lake is beautiful to look at, so named because of its resemblane to the ancient timepiece. HOURGLASS LAKE is a headwaters lake, and one might expect it to be pristine....NOT SO.,for this public watercourse  fully absorbs the leachant of a mink farm and a fish hatchery .. this aerial photo shows the subject of a promised Department of Environment investigation into sources of nutrient in watercourses of south western Nova Scotia..... a fish hatchery that pumps large volumes of lakewater through thousands and thousands of fish,expelling the fouled water back into the lake, and a mink farm that leaches its nutrients down that hill into the lake......
Enlarging the image shows some of the  circular plastic lined above-ground pools used in the operation. Other pools are housed underneath the plastic covered 'greenhouse' structures.
 What about waste management costs.?  No big expense to this  operation ..thanks to a public waterway  carriying  water soluble  nutrients 'away'..
The  2008 Department of Environment  waterways study named the aquaculture operation as a 'possible source of pollution', and recommended further study and  mitigation.  Nothing happened. Three years later, the  recognition of a highly visible pollution source
that somehow avoided prosecution for all these years.
 Take a drive along route 340 and see for yourself...Isn't Hourglass Lake Beautiful? I wonder why there are no cottages........?
You can talk all you want about dead seagulls, rotting mink carcasses,stinkpipes ,pesticides,industrial chemicals,foecal count, sky-high nutrient levels , serious health hazards .........and property values..This government is determined to stay the course throughout its political duration, and has promised BUSINESS AS USUAL to polluters.  Like it or not, there will be 3 more years of criminal neglect of our Environment while the NDP carry out their    
 Promise of 3 more years of Political Protection for Polluters.
They're poisining our rivers, and some very greedy people keep telling us that we will have to "share our waterways" with industry.
No government has the right to give away our clean water...  this government already did. 

Suzuki Foundation supports citizen groups in "mink stink"...

A letter written by the David Suzuki Foundation and four Nova Scotia citizen groups concerned with water conservation and protection has been sent to Nova Scotia Premier Darrell Dexter and Nova Scotia mink breeders, stating that unregulated mink farming in southwestern Nova Scotia is polluting local lakes, putting human health at risk and threatening wildlife.
The letter is accompanied by an "overview of concerns" , with headings such as: threatened lakes and ecosystems, health impacts of cyanobacteria, management of phosphorus, the mink industry, etc.

The Foundation expressed specific concerns, including: Department of Agriculture Fur Industry Act was passed following several years of input by the fur industry but virtually no input from other members of the public. saying that new regulations will not consider the cumulative effects of multiple mink operations in one watershed; the Department is the primary promoter of the fur industry and is also the primary regulator; the
1. Copy of letter sent by http://www.davidsuzuki.org/media/news/downloads/mink letter - final.pdf
2. Publication in Vanguard April 26, 2011 Link
3. http://www.shelburnecountytoday.com/
4. http://www.davidsuzuki.org/media/news/2011/04/groups-call-on-nova-scotia-government-and-mink-breeders-to-clean-up-fur-farming/

Mink in the Nova Scotia Legislature...................Read More

While other provinces and countries are phasing out mink factories, in our area they are increasing. The number of mink, in SWN,  in several hundred square miles, almost equals the total number found in the whole of the USA (2.8 million (S)). The concentration of mink in South West Nova  is problematic. The need for employment opportunities in our area is a major concern.  Our luck with political solutions is complex beyond comprehension.  Parts of the Carleton aquatic system and habitats resemble  sewers.  I cannot believe that anyone, including ranchers, wants to see this happen. But it is happening! 

What will 2011 bring?.................
Carleton River pollution blamed on mink farms Report: Home septic tanks not at fault   The report is the first one to suggest the problem comes from mink ranches and not from the local homeowners themselves, said Carleton resident Allen Hall, a medical doctor.

MicrocystinsIntroduction to one of the dangerous organisms found in nutriant rich waters.

Vanguard February 11, 2011
Whether or not Camp Wapomeo will open this summer is still unknown but the outlook isn’t good. http://www.thevanguard.ca/News/2011-02-11/article-2218341/Camp-Wapomeo-in-limbo/1

February 9, 2011 Murky Waters:  Contentious mink farm development given green light
YARMOUTH COUNTY, NS—A proposed mink ranch development on Sloans Lake appears to be moving forward, much to the consternation of area residents who had been under the impression that the development application had been rejected under a municipal land-use bylaw.



Documents: 2010-2011
January 2011 M. Brylinsky Acadia Center for Estuarine Research Acadia University Wolfville Nova Scotia:

In 2008, as a result of concerns that water quality was becoming seriously degraded within a number of lakes located within the Carleton, Meteghan, and Sissaboo River watersheds, the Nova Scotia Department of Environment initiated a program designed to evaluate the water quality status of nine lakes located within these watersheds. The results of this initial evaluation indicated that water quality was impaired in a number of the lakes surveyed, particularly with respect to high nutrient concentrations resulting in the development of high algal concentrations. In some instances the high algal concentrations contained species of blue-green alga known to produce microcystins, a toxin that, under certain conditions, may be harmful to humans, livestock and wildlife. As a result, further studies were carried out in 2009 and 2010 to better document the extent of the degradation in water quality and to determine its potential causes. This report summarizes the results obtained during the three survey years with a focus on water quality parameters that, when impaired, are potentially harmful to humans or can lead to the deterioration of conditions necessary to support aquatic life.
Full Report:
Link below

The quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus, and other biologically useful nutrients are the primary determinants of a lake's trophic state index (TSI). A lake's trophic index may sometimes be used to make a rough estimate of its biological condition. Hypereutrophic lakes are very nutrient-rich lakes characterized by frequent and severe nuisance algal blooms and low transparency.

Nutrient levels

Trophic Status
Low to High

phosphorus (µg.L-1 )

Very low



Low as in (Lake Vaughn)



intermediate level



intermediate level



Excess (promotes algae) process of eutrophication may occur



Extremely high (upper lakes like Nowlans) 



In a normal ecosystem the upper lakes are lower in nutrients and the levels increase as we go down the river.  In the Carleton this is reversed due to the massive influx of nutrients at the head waters. The Impacts of the Mink Industry on Freshwater Lakes in Nova Scotia An Overview of Concerns (Read)

Darrell Taylor Project Lead March 18, 2009
Link: pdf/FinalRpt_Yarmouth-area-lakes-report-with-appendices-INA-%281%29.pdf  Copy Pdf Format)

Darrell Taylor Project Lead October 2010

Link: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nse/surface.water/docs/Yarmouth.Area.Lakes.Water.Quality.Assessment.2010.pdf



Where are our lakes heading?
........Hope this is not our future.......

The Quebec government has posted warnings on the Internet for 72 lakes and rivers people should not drink from -- three times the number from last year.

From Australia. If contact with affected river water does occur, users should remove any affected clothing and wash themselves thoroughly with clean water after coming ashore. Wetsuits should be thoroughly rinsed before being worn again to remove any traces of algae.

CRWA  Charles River Watershed Association  Massachusetts .| Field guide to algae (PDF) |



Fur farm bill not protecting watersheds—opponents Published on May 27th, 2010


Personal observations and reflections on Fur Farm Regulations
A meeting held at Carlton Fire Hall on July 19th 2011.

Attendance at the meeting was very poor, perhaps because it was first announced as invitation only and then changed to a public meeting.  A lot of important stakeholders and or there representatives were absent.

I found that presenters of the act had little knowledge of the amount of mink harvested, or the amount of waste produced.  Individuals responsible for tested knew nothing about similar testing results done by their colleagues working in the same area and on the same project. They knew the act but the bigger picture was not part of their knowledge package. Is what they are suggesting even possible.  Before this act can be established it should have the seal of approval from the Dept of the Environment and because of the present health issues the approval of the Dept of Health. 

As it was explained at the meeting the Act seams like it should work.  All manure ( solid and liquid ) will be removed from the farms, no discharge from mink activities are permitted.  Zero discharge. What could go wrong?   However, these were part of the environmental regulations for years. Is the act a lot of "smoke and mirrors"?  

Problem:  The industry is self regulating, self policed.  Even if the municipality wanted to verify the data they would not be permitted.  Farmers collect their own samples for testing.  "Not acceptable"

Problem:  This problem was pointed out by a Mr.LeBlanc from Clare.Water sampling wells are 5 meters (15 feet) deep. Because clay or hard pan, is found  a few feet below the surface, polluted water will travel mostly near the surface. It will not readily penetrate to lower levels.   Drilling wells 15 feet could go through the clay layer into lower purer ground water and it is possible that this scenario will yield acceptable results even in areas that are extremely polluted. "Questionable"

Problem: The responsibility of dealing with the hazardous waste will be in the hands of an independent group, it will no longer be the responsibility of the farmers.  How much waste?  I had given estimates before, but since the act includes urine as part of the waste that estimate will have to be increased.  "Irresponsible"

Problem:  Your free to input more.

We're all aware of what is it stake with regard to the habitat, property values, recreation, etc.etc.
Another real loss here is time! Good times, bad times, time lost,  maybe next time, maybe next year, maybe never.

Comments in and outside of the meeting:

One man talked about how we set up a swimming pool next to the lake so that his kids and their friends from Ontario could swim safely.  Other people I know stopped using the lake because they were getting infections and rashes.  An elderly couple spending their golden years by the lake were very angry, it's safe to say they were devastated, maybe they wanted to take a "midnight" dip in the lake, maybe next year, maybe not.  Time!  The morning after the meeting I watched as my son left my world and returned to his own and I realized I spent the past week on this mink sh-t.  Precious moments lost forever?   

This Act is very important.... get it right! PLEASE!

Department of Agriculture Staff Directory: By Branch

Resource Stewardship

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If we are in error please advise. We will present other views and opinions.
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Your comments (pro or con) are welcome.  Email webmaster@yarmouth.org  (Subject line: Mink  ).

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